Thursday, September 15, 2016

New from The Rational Right: CAR RANTS: Calling Pauline Hanson “racist” is #NotAnArgument

Yesterday Pauline Hanson made her maiden speech in the newly formed Australian Senate. Within minutes, the Greens Party senators stormed out in a cuckish, unintelligent protest.

Unlike the pouty, virtue-signalling Watermelon Party (Greens on the outside, Red on the inside), Pauline Hanson believes in democracy, and she stands in the senate speaking uncomfortable, politically incorrect truths that are recognised AT LEAST by the citizens who elected her.

When a party walks out (en mass) on a speech in some form of lame protest, all they do is demonstrate the wilfulness of their ignorance.

James Fox Higgins explores some of the content of Hanson’s speech, and makes a case for why the Greens’ protest was the least effective approach they could have taken for their own cause.

Watch Pauline Hanson’s full speech here:

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Sunday, September 11, 2016

New from The Rational Right: CAR RANTS: 9/11 – The Only Truth That Matters

15 years ago today the heart of western civilisation was attacked by Islamic extremism in an event that rocked the world, and changed the zeitgeist of planet Earth irrevocably.

While the debate still rages about whether or not it was an inside job, or whether the attack was some kind of justified retaliation after the violent interventionism of America in the Middle East, there is one fundamental cause that people tend not to discuss on this day:
Irrational Faith.

Faith in God. Faith in Allah. Faith in America. Faith in any Country or State.

One must have faith in these things, because they are figments of imagination, they do not exist in the empirical universe. And when one places faith in these fantasies above a commitment to reason, evidence, rational self-interest, or universal principles like the NAP, then we inevitably have war and death to follow.

Rationalism is the only thing that got humans out of the realm of grunting animals, and its the only thing that will get us through this tumultuous time of mass enslavement by Statism.

Spread the word, share this video, write your own article, make a video, unleash your own mighty barbaric yawp into the world, and lets work together – with *words* – to ensure that another 9/11 never happens, anywhere.

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New from The Rational Right: CAR RANTS: When Compassion is Toxic

In today’s Car Rant, James Fox Higgins explores the idea that compassion and empathy are not universal or infinite values, and that they MUST have limits applied to them, lest they mutate into their very antithesis.

The post CAR RANTS: When Compassion is Toxic appeared first on The Rational Right ➔.

Friday, September 9, 2016

New from The Rational Right: CAR RANTS: Saint Harambe – Patron of the Self-Loathing Human

The social justice battle for Harambe, the previously unknown Gorilla at the Cincinnati Zoo, goes on. And on and on…

Around the globe, thousands of keyboard warriors have banded to together to petition, hashtag, and virtue signal about the cruel injustice that faced this beast when he shot to protect the life of a young child who climbed into his enclosure.

Some think the child should have been left to die.

Some think the mother should be punished.

Others think the Zoo should be closed down.

Some are question the very validity of animal captivity in the first place.

Meanwhile, Harambe has become a figure of parody for the SJW mindset, as well as a patron for environmentalists and vegans.

James Fox Higgins unpacks the philosophical problems that Harambe represents, and tries to share his views on the value of human life relative to animal, as well as the toxicity of environmentalism as an absolute ideology.

The post CAR RANTS: Saint Harambe – Patron of the Self-Loathing Human appeared first on The Rational Right ➔.